What movie are you REALLY wanting to see?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

Up in the great state of Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. Go Sooners!!! Beat OSU this weeked baby!! Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!!! Until later..............

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

No Picture Today!

I just wanted to let the other people that read my blog know that my school got a blue ribbon award today! So awesome!!! And just to think that I was actually a part of it! We are the braves!!!! Oh,wait this is a picture of what our school got. A Great Indian Hornbill! Haha! I wish our school got one of these! I would name him Bob. Until tomorrow.........

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Did you know that the state fair has a colapsable slide?

This is a picture from the State Fair of Texas and I took it while I was on this like ski lift thing except it has doors. This slide looks like it is about to fall to me. I also thought that it was very colorful so I thought I would share it with you. Until tomorrow.....

P.S. Shelia, we need that Chex-Mix reciepe because that stuff is GONE! It was sooooo good and so was everything that we had for dinner! Thank you!


Friday, November 6, 2009

Update on the 'pic a day' thing!

Ok.... well as you can probably see, the 'one day, one pic' thing isn't working. So I have decided that I will create a post when I have something important (or not so much in my mother's case. Just kiding mother!) so until further notice.........

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 7 & 8!

Yeah, again, not doing so well with the 'no post thing'. Well here are 2 pictures from my day.............. The first one is from Halloween and this was our trick-or-treating group. The nexy one s of my dog, Owen. He is soooooooo sweet but my mom thinks that he is very needy. Until tomorrow...............

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 7!

Halloween candy bowl although most of it is gone................... Hahahahaha! I think I had like 9 Reese's and a lot of M&M's. Until tomorrow......................................
